
Articol interviu în revista „Agenda Construcțiilor” Sept. 2024

Perspectivele, provocările și direcțiile viitoare ale companiei prezentate într-un articol cu titlul CRIOMEC SA: Proiecte de 61 milioane euro, in Germania, Belgia si Romania în secțiunea „Antreprenori și dezvoltatori” din revista online: „Agenda construcțiilor”. Articol | Revista [in Romanien]

Criomec participates in the Galați 2024 Half Marathon May 26, 2024

On May 26, took place the charitable event Galați 2024 Half Marathon, organized by the Galați Community Foundation. Criomec SA was well-represented, with 105 participants in the popular race, including 76 employees and 29 of their children. Each participant supported a charitable cause from the list provided by the organizers. Watch our clip of this event.

Criomec participates in the Galați 2024 Half Marathon May 26, 2024

On May 26, took place the charitable event Galați 2024 Half Marathon, organized by the Galați Community Foundation. Criomec SA was well-represented, with 105 participants in the popular race, including 76 employees and 29 of their children. Each participant supported a charitable cause from the list provided by the organizers. Watch our clip of this event.

Criomec S.A. Galați Celebrates 30 Years of Innovation and Excellence May 2024

This year, Criomec S.A. Galați proudly celebrates its 30th anniversary, marking three decades of innovation and excellence in industrial production and services. The company expresses its gratitude to its employees, partners, and clients for their continued support and trust. Looking forward, Criomec S.A. is committed to maintaining its high standards and delivering top-tier solutions in the industry.
Criomec S.A. Galați Celebrates 30 Years of Innovation and Excellence [Video].

Inside Marine Magazine 20 Ianuarie 2022

Criomec SA looking for new challenges and opportunities, revealed by magazine "Inside Marine" UK, into dedicated article. Articol | Magazine

Official Inauguration July 27, 2021

Official Inauguration of Galati Town Hall investment project - Gym Hall & Canteen for the Elementary School no. 28, General Contractor CRIOMEC SA.
Details the Facebook page dedicated to this event

3rd edition of ICCRT Bucharest, postponed to May 18-20, 2022 March 04, 2021

EN: Criomec SA, as event’s main Sponsor, announces the involvement and support for the organization of 3rd IIR International Conference on Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technologies, which will be held in Bucharest, on May 18 -20, 2022. This edition is dedicated to “Cryogenics in medicine, biotechnology and industrial technology”, fundamental research and technological advances, along the lines of cryogenic devices, procedures applied in such diverse applications as cryosurgery, Cryo-electrolysis, 3D Cryoprinting, Cryogenic biological matter preservation and other interdisciplinary applications of cryogenics.
For more details of ICCRT 2022 schedule and proceedings, please access website: www.iccrt.ro.

Entrepreneurs’ Day, PIMM Galati September 16, 2020

Engl: On the occasion of the "Entrepreneurs’ Day", event organized by SME Patronage Galati, Criomec SA obtained the Excellence Award for its professional activity and social impact on the local and national economic environment.

Public announcement (application submission) August 14, 2020

RO: S.C. CRIOMEC S.A., titular al proiectului „Modernizare și extindere clădire hală producție și birouri și desființare construcții C1 – Ventilator, C2 – Magazie, C3 – Atelier autoservice, C4 – Cabină poartă”, anunță publicul interesat asupra luării deciziei etapei de încadrare fără evaluarea impactului asupra mediului de către APM Galați, în cadrul procedurii de evaluare asupra mediului pentru proiectul “Modernizare și extindere clădire hală producție și birouri și desființare construcții C1 – Ventilator, C2 – Magazie, C3 – Atelier autoservice, C4 – Cabină poartă” propus a fi amplasat în municipiul Galati, Calea Prutului nr. 12, lot 2/1, lot 2/2/2, județul Galați.
Proiectul deciziei de încadrare și motivele care o fundamentează pot fi consultate la următoarea adresă de internet: http://apmgl.anpm.ro la secțiunea Reglementări – Acordul de mediu – Proiect decizie etapă de încadrare.
Publicul interesat poate înainta comentarii/observații la proiectul deciziei de încadrare pe adresa de e-mail: office@apmgl.anpm.ro în termen de 10 zile de la data publicării anunțului pe pagina de internet a APM Galați.

Public announcement (application submission) June 11, 2020

RO: S.C. CRIOMEC S.A. anunță publicul interesat asupra depunerii solicitării de emitere a acordului de mediu pentru proiectul „Modernizare și extindere clădire hală producție și birouri și desființare construcții C1 – Ventilator, C2 – Magazie, C3 – Atelier autoservice, C4 – Cabină poartă”, propus a fi amplasat în intravilan municipiul Galati, Calea Prutului nr. 12, lot 2/1, lot 2/2/2.
Informațiile privind proiectul propus pot fi consultate la pe pagina de internet a autorității competente pentru protecția mediului APM Galați, http://apmgl.anpm.ro, secțiunea Reglementări – Acordul de mediu – Documentații procedura EIA și EA – Memorii de prezentare 2020 și la sediul S.C. CRIOMEC S.A. din municipiul Galați, Str. Drumul de Centură nr. 63.
Observațiile publicului se primesc zilnic la APM Galați pe adresa de e-mail: office@apmgl.anpm.ro sau fax: 0236 471009

National Top of Private Companies in Romania October, 2019

The SME National Council (P.I.M.M.) rewarded companies from Galati, for 2018’s outstanding results in business.
Criomec SA received a Special award for ”The Dynamics of Development”. [Newspaper article (ro)]

Criomec 25 de ani May 17, 2019

Celebrating 25th CRIOMEC’s Anniversary and Inauguration of New Fabrication Workshop.
Remember the time, with event’s gallery photos...

Emplacement of equipments June 12, 2019

RO: CRIOMEC S.A, titular al proiectului „Amplasare utilje: cabină de vopsit și cabină de sablat în incinta halei-corp C1”, anunță publicul interesat asupra luării deciziei etapei de încadrare de către A.P.M. Galați, în cadrul procedurii de evaluare a impactului asupra mediului, pentru proiectul Amplasare utilje: cabină de vopsit și cabină de sablat în incinta halei-corp C1, propus a fi amplasat în Calea Prutului nr.12.

Proiectul decizie de încadrare și motivele care o fundamentează pot fi consultate la sediul A.P.M. Galați, str.Regiment 11 Siret, nr.2, în zilele de luni-joi între orele 08.30-16.00 și vineri între orele 08.30-13.30, precum și la următoarea adresă de internet http://apmgl.anpm.ro la Secțiunea: Reglementări →Acordul de mediu→Proiect decizie etapa de încadrare.

Publicul interest poate înainta comentarii/observații la proiectul deciziei de încadrare în termen de 10 zile de le data publicării anunțului pe pagina de internet a A.P.M. Galati.

Health and Safety Environment Day May 2019

"Health and Safety Environment Day" - Special award granted by ArcelorMittal Galati to Criomec Team.[Diploma]

Emplacement of equipments March 14, 2019

CRIOMEC S.A. informs the interested public regarding solicitation for issue of the environmental agreement for the project “Emplacement of equipments: Paint booth and sandblasting cabin inside hall-part C1”, proposed to be located in Galati, 12 Prutului Street, lot 1/1; lot 1/2/2, cadastral register no. 126828, cadastral no. 126828-terrain, 126828-C1, C2, C3, C4,-. Information regarding the project can be consulted at the headquarters of the competent authority dealing with the environmental protection A.P.M. Galati, 2 Regiment 11 Siret street, Galati and at CRIOMEC S.A. headquarters, 63 Drumul de Centura street, Galati, Monday to Thursday from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Remarks of the public are received daily at A.P.M. headquarters, 2 Regiment 11 Siret street, Galati.

Top of the private Companies from Galati October 3, 2018

Top of the private Companies from Galati, event organized by the SME Employers Galati (P.I.M.M.)
Within the framework of this event were granted Special Awards for Outcomes and Special Contributions achieved during the year 2017, Criomec SA received the distinction for "The Dynamics of Development”.

"Entrepreneur’s Day in Romania" Event and the 25th anniversary of SME Employers Galaţi (PIMM) foundation. May 19, 2018

Board of PIMM Galaţi has awarded company CRIOMEC SA, as recognition of the results achieved and the involvement in the social life of the local community.. Details (ro).

Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technologies May 7 - 10, 2018

The Event ICCRT 2018, was a great experience for everyone, creating the right environment for best ideas and applications of cryogenics which could become alive, new opportunities in future relationship beyond of science limitations. The Romanian Association of Cryogenics and Refrigeration, we’re grateful for presence and interest showed during the Event of all Participants, Papers Speakers, Keynote Speakers and Co-Organizers support of renowned int’l / local organizations: Cryogenic Society of America, International Institute of Refrigeration Paris, Criomec SA , I.C.S.I. Rm. Valcea, Universities Politehnica Bucharest, U.T.C.Bucharest, Dunarea de Jos Galati. Shared Photo Gallery ICCRT2018.

MASE Certification June 2017

CRIOMEC SA – the 1st romanian company certified MASE. [Article - ro] [Brochure - ro]

Health and Safety Environment Day April 2017

"Health and Safety Environment Day" - 1st place awarded by ArcelorMittal Galati, to CRIOMEC Team.[Diploma]

Partnership with SCAME RO February 23, 2017

Partnership with SCAME RO – electric power stations ECO MOBILITY. [Details ro]

Visiting the headquarters Criomec S.A. January 31, 2017

On behalf of PIMM Galati kind invitation, His Excellency the USA Ambassador Mr. Hans Klemm, visited Criomec’s headquarters, highlighting through this event the confidence in potential business of Romania’s SE area. [Photo gallery]

Special Award October 2016

Within Annual Celebration Event P.I.M.M - "Top 2015 performing companies from Galati economy," company Criomec SA was awarded for Performance and Quality of Services at European standards level. Details (romanian): http://www.viata-libera.ro/prima-pagina/81832-topul-mediului-de-afaceri-care-au-fost-cele-mai-performante-firme-din-economia-galateana

Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technology June 2016

Criomec SA, as co-organizer of 1st International Conference «Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technology», under patronage of International Institute of Refrigeration France, which was held in Bucharest, June 22–25, 2016. Details and Photo Gallery: http://iccrt2016.criofrig.ro/

Reliable Company 2016 April 2016

CRIOMEC SA was awarded with title a « Reliable Company 2016 » for excellent reputation and high standard in business management.

CRIOMEC is extending its presence Jan – Mar. 2015

CRIOMEC is extending its presence in European area, by opening two offices: CRIOMEC France – JDS Center LYON and CRIOMEC Germany – XANTEN. [ Photo gallery ]

Industrial projects for cryogenics and technological equipment March 1, 2015

The Magazine „Business Journal” Issue no.20, March 2015, published in the chapter Industry, the article: “CRIOMEC – industrial projects for cryogenics and technological equipment”.
[Romanian, PDF Version]

Business Champions 2014 November 3, 2014

Under the auspices of ZF , during the events “Business Champions 2014”, were awarded the most dynamic entrepreneurs in business, from Romania.

Exhibition Inventors “UGAL INVENT” 8-10 octombrie 2014

Criomec SA participated within Exhibition Inventors “UGAL INVENT”, organized by University “Dunarea de Jos” Galati & AGIR (General Association of Engineers in Romania), with two research papers issued by: Eng. Marius Cuzic PhD and Eng. Bogdan Caciula PhD and achieved meritorious awards.

Special award October 9, 2014

Within Annual Celebration Event of economic performance “Top 2013 of private companies from county Galati Romania”, PIMM Galati granted to company CRIOMEC SA, Special award for dynamic business development during 2013.

Excellency in Business May 16, 2014

PIMM Galati during the Event “Entrepreneur’s Day”, awarded CRIOMEC SA for Excellency in Business, performance and implication in the social life of local community.
[ Read more... ]

The Anniversary Event "20 Years of Performance" May 15, 2014

The Anniversary Event "20 Years of Performance" organized by CRIOMEC SA to celebrate the 20th anniversary since the foundation of the company.
[ Photo gallery ]                                       

Contractor’s Day March 26, 2014

ArcelorMIttal Galati during the Event 4th edition “Contractor’s Day”, awarded CRIOMEC SA for exemplary conduct in upgrading works, developed at technological machine within LTG2 plant.

Extindere constructie corp C1 21 martie 2014

They keep alive Galaţi town! February 12, 2014

Daily newspaper "Viata Libera Galati", on February 12, 2014, Mr. Marius Tuca - author, wrote an article about company CRIOMEC SA, entitled: "They keep alive Galaţi town! ; Company which does not know what crisis means..." [ Read article ]

Best Enterprise 2013 December, 2013

European Business Assembly – at Summit of Leaders Oxford UK, on December 18th – 20th 2013 , has granted to CRIOMEC SA, title "Best Enterprise 2013" in domain of industrial installation.

Catalogue pg.41/88, http://www.youblisher.com/p/783473-Oxford-Summit-of-Leaders-16-20-December-2013/

Top 100, Performers of installations December, 2013

Top 100 executanti in instalatii - Journal IBC Focus, a professional analyst for monitoring national market in constructions, has placed in 2012 and 2013 company CRIOMEC SA, within "Top 100, Performers of installations".

Companies Top, 2012 November, 2013

Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Galati – on November 2013 at the event "Companies Top, 2012", has rewarded company CRIOMEC SA with 1st Place, in domain of civil works.

14 mai 2013

14 mai 2013

Top 100, 2012 executanți de instalații Decembrie 2012

Top 100 executanti in instalatii - Journal IBC Focus, a professional analyst for monitoring national market in constructions, has placed in 2012 and 2013 company CRIOMEC SA, within "Top 100, Performers of installations".

CRIOMEC SA joined as member at International Tube Association November, 2012

ITA – in November 2012 - CRIOMEC SA joined as member at International Tube Association - The world's largest & most influential Association of Tube & Pipe engineers. [ Details ]

8 decembrie 2010

30 August 2010

Solicitare de emitere a acordului de mediu 20 Aprilie 2010

Criomec at job April 17, 2010

An erection of 2 vertical heavy tanks, weighing 44 tons/each, has been successfully performed, using a 500 tons crane.
[ Photo gallery ]

Criomec at job April 17, 2010

A complex lifting operation at 40 meters high, a piece weighing 88 tons, has been successfully performed by CRIOMEC team, using a 500 tons crane.
[ Photo gallery ]

CRIOMEC SA, A leading Romanian piping company April 17, 2010

Gasworld Magazine - an independent online news provider for the global industrial gas community, published on April 2010, an article entitled "CRIOMEC SA, a leading Romanian piping company". [ Read Article ]